苯并(a)芘致癌的表观遗传学作用机制研究进展 周超文;胡建安;375-384
积雪草苷对低氧肺动脉高压中内皮-间充质转化的作用(英文) 叶文静;潘阿肖;金蒙蒙;朱小春;王良兴;王晓冰;385-392
姬松茸多糖ABP-AW1对免疫功能低下小鼠的免疫增强作用 蒋丽艳;于智浦;姚淑娟;刘伯阳;刘吉成;393-398
酸枣仁皂苷A对糖尿病模型大鼠肾小球细胞凋亡的影响 司芹芹;牛晓红;李俊岩;杨海卿;399-404
吡唑啉酮衍生物镉(Ⅱ)配合物体内外对黑素瘤B16细胞的抗肿瘤作用 常晨晨;吴婷;汪梅芳;许贯诚;孙素荣;405-413
芫花素对模式生物秀丽隐杆线虫的毒性作用 许云;阮秦莉;纪蕾蕾;嵇晶;吴晨曦;王梦;414-421
二乙烯砜-谷胱甘肽系列加合物的制备及其与体外DNA加合反应活性 吕姗姗;徐斌;高中才;赵玉梅;张雅姣;徐华;吴剑峰;谢剑炜;422-428
欢迎订阅2017年《中国药理学与毒理学杂志》 392
中国毒理学会第八次全国毒理学大会暨第七届全国会员代表大会第一轮通知 398
2016年第二届药物代谢朝阳论坛在厦门成功举办 421
书讯 Joseph BEAVO;490
秀丽隐杆线虫衰老与衰老相关神经退行性疾病模型及药物筛选研究进展 薛晓利;张建琴;宋少娟;李震宇;秦雪梅;429-438
GATA1转录因子调控巨核细胞分化机制的研究进展 汪海涛;杨红旗;罗龙龙;吕明;吴晓雄;439-444
用磷酸化蛋白组学分析鉴别磷酸二酯酶功能(英文) Joseph BEAVO;445-446
4-型磷酸二酯酶与局部cAMP信号调节(英文) Marco CONTI;446-447
机械热痛觉感受器的热痛感受机制(英文) 张旭;447-448
环核苷酸磷酸二酯酶:神经精神疾病的药物作用靶标(英文) James M.O′DONNELL;448-449
星形胶质细胞Drd2受体通过β-arrestin2抑制NLRP3炎症小体活化 胡刚;449-450
抑郁症发病机制研究的新视角:谷氨酸受体膜稳定性及其调控(英文) 陈建国;450-451
颞叶癫痫异常神经环路分析(英文) 汪仪;徐层林;陈忠;451
2017泰山学术论坛:国际神经精神药理学会议暨中国首届磷酸二酯酶专题学术会议论文摘要_专题1 以磷酸二酯酶为靶标治疗神经精神疾病、神经退行性疾病以及其他类型疾病
Phosphodiesterase 1:a unique therapeutic target with multiple potential indications Larry WENNOGLE;452-453
Targeting phosphodiesterases for cognition enhancement:a translational approach Jos PRICKAERTS;453-454
Phosphodiesterases:novel targets for treatment of alcoholism LIU Xin;WEN Rui-ting;GONG Mei-fang;XU Ying;Nicolas GRAHAME;XU Jiang-ping;LIANG Jian-hui;Marco CONTI;张汉霆;454-455
PDE10A inhibitor in addiction MU Ying;ZHEN Xue-chu;455-456
Regulation and function of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases in pathological vascular remodeling YAN Chen;456-457
Role of PDE4D splice variants in the mediation of antidepressant and cognition-enhancing actions and its mechanisms JIN Zeng-liang;WANG Zhen-zhen;XU Yuan-yuan;YANG Wei-xing;LI Yun-feng;457-458
2017泰山学术论坛:国际神经精神药理学会议暨中国首届磷酸二酯酶专题学术会议论文摘要_专题2 阿尔茨海默病及其他神经退行性疾病:治疗与机制
Mitochondrial dynamics as a therapeutic target for Alzheimer disease ZHU Xiong-wei;458-459
新型抗阿尔茨海默病药物甘露寡糖二酸 耿美玉;459-460
LW-AFC,a new traditional Chinese medicine formula,shows promising therapeutic effects on Alzheimer disease ZHOU Wen-xia;WANG Jian-hui;CHENG Bing;HUANG Yan;CHENG Xiao-rui;ZHANG Yong-xiang;460
A novel mechanism underlying the protective effect of PDE4 inhibitor against cognitive impairment:inhibiting neuroinflammation through inducing autophagy in microglial cells YOU Ting-ting;GUO Hai-biao;WANG Hai-tao;徐江平;461
Modulation of abnormal neuronal circuit in temporal lobe epilepsy WANG Yi;XU Ceng-lin;CHEN Zhong;462-463
Loss of microglial autophagy causes Parkinson disease-like symptom in mice CHENG Jin-bo;LIAO Ya-jin;LI Xiao-heng;DONG Yuan;TANG Bai-sha;袁增强;462
The decrease of connexin43 mediated down-regulation of glutamate transporter1 in spinal astrocytes under inflammatory condition ZHANG Fang-fang;Norimitsu MORIOKA;Shiori FUJII;ZHOU Yan-meng;ZHAO Xiao-min;ZHANG Han-ting;463
Gngerol in the improvement of Aβ-induced learning and memory impairment YUAN Sheng-nan;LIU Qian-qian;LIU Yong-zhi;ZHANG Feng;HOU Xue-qin;WANG Lei;464
Protective effects of Radix Cynanchum bungei on ischemia-induced neuronal and cognitive impairment in mice CHEN Mei-hua;CHEN Wei;MA Jian;ZHANG Fang-fang;ZHOU Yan-meng;464-465
基于NLRP3炎性小体通路研究葡萄籽原花青素对AD大鼠的保护作用 罗远超;郑敏;刘剑桥;陈美华;陈伟;465
Protective effects of betaine on ischemia-reperfusion injury through ROS pathway in rat XUE Shuang;JIA Xiao-ying;ZHOU Lu;GAO Shan;465-466
Role of endothelial receptor-tyrosine kinase ErbB4 in regulating brain function LIU Xiu-xiu;WU Gang;LU Nan-nan;LIU Qi-bing;TIAN Yun;YE Wei-feng;JIANG Guo-jun;TAO Rong-rong;HAN Feng;LU Ying-mei;466
Neuroprotective effect of isoliquriitin on corticosterone-induced apoptosis in PC12 cells LI Xiao;GONG Wen-xia;ZHOU Yu-zhi;QIN Xue-mei;467
A review of studies on neuroprotective aspects of bioactive polysaccharides SU Lei;JING Yong-shuai;ZHANG Dan-shen;467-468
Protective effects of resveratrol nanosuspensions loaded in situ hydrogel on Alzheimer disease model mice after intranasal administration WANG Hong-shen;XU Yan-hao;CHANG Sheng;LI Li;WANG Hao;HAO Ji-fu;468-469
Application of nanoparticles modified with angiopep-2 in the diagnosis and treatment of glioma SU Xiao-mei;ZHANG Dan-shen;468
生物碱类磷酸二酯酶抑制剂治疗帕金森疾病可行性探讨 万叶;郭春燕;469
2017泰山学术论坛:国际神经精神药理学会议暨中国首届磷酸二酯酶专题学术会议论文摘要_专题3 睡眠、应激和干细胞:细胞与基因调控
Genetically engineered systems revealed the roles of basal ganglia in sleep-wake regulation 黄志力;470
In the dorsal raphe neucleus,the role of Ca2+,PKC and CaMKⅡ in sleep-wake regulation CUI Su-ying;CUI Xiang-yu;张永鹤;471
面向航天特因环境认知损伤及防护的动物行为实验技术 刘新民;472
EphB4信号通路对人胚胎神经干细胞自我更新、增殖、分化和凋亡的影响 王文;刘婷婷;孙芳玲;魏仁平;艾厚喜;郭德玉;田欣;祝自新;郑文荣;王宇峰;472
Preparation and evaluation of silymarin nanosuspensions for protective effects on stress-induced liver injury WANG Xiao-dan;HAO Ji-fu;CHEN Wei;WANG Hao;WANG De-cai;ZHANG Han-ting;473
2017泰山学术论坛:国际神经精神药理学会议暨中国首届磷酸二酯酶专题学术会议论文摘要_专题4 抑郁、癫痫:行为学与细胞机制
快速起效抗抑郁-焦虑的靶标策略与新药研究 李云峰;473-474
记忆网络中的N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体 张丹参;474
抑制星形胶质细胞Hsp90-GLT1的抗癫痫机制研究 许琪;475
Disturbance of cholinergic Grb2-associated-binding protein 1 signaling participate in the pathological process of cognitive dysfunction TAN Chao;LU Nan-nan;SHAO Ling-xiao;LIU Xiu-xiu;PAN Yue;LIU Yi-jie;YU Fang-ying;LU Ying-mei;韩峰;475-476
Effects of ketamine on mouse hippocampal inflammatory cytokines IL-6,IL-1β and TNF-α levels in acute and chronic administration models LI Yan-ning;SHEN Rui-peng;WEN Ge-hua;DING Run-tao;DU Ao;ZHOU Ji-chuan;DONG Zhi-bin;REN Xing-hua;YAO Hui;ZHAO Rui;ZHANG Guo-hua;LU Yan;WU Xu;476
A network pharmacology approach to decipher the mechanisms of anti-depression of Xiaoyaosan formula GAO Yao;TIAN Jun-sheng;QIN Xue-mei;477
Baicalin treatment regulates hyperactivity of HPA axis and alters SIRT1 related inflammation in the hypothalamus in a model of depression YU Hai-yang;ZENG Min-jie;FU Qiang;MA Shi-ping;477-478
2017泰山学术论坛:国际神经精神药理学会议暨中国首届磷酸二酯酶专题学术会议论文摘要_专题5 药物滥用:行为与分子生物学
BDNF dependent Rac1 GTPase activation in the vmPFC contributes to aversive memory extinction by Arc-mediated GABAA receptor endocytosis WANG Wei-sheng;JU Yun-yue;WANG Yu-jun;刘景根;478
Attenuation of opioid addiction in mice lacking aquaporin 4 LYU Yang;JING Man-yi;ZHAO Tai-yun;PANG Chong;WU Ning;HU Gang;宋睿;LI Jin;479
Brucine N-oxide reduces ethanol intake and preference in alcohol-preferring Fawn-Hooded rats LIANG Jian-hui;WEI Shou-peng;LI Yu-ling;GONG Qi;WANG Yan-ting;LIANG Hui;LIU Qing;ZHANG Han-ting;CHEN Feng;Andrew J LOWRENCE;479-480
新型磷酸二酯酶特异性抑制剂的发现及识别机制 赖增伟;吴德燕;张天华;黄仪有;李哲;吴一诺;罗海彬;480-481
Protective effects of puerarin on alcohol-induced oxidative injury in PC12 cells LU Jie;WEI Zheng-jie;ZHU Jia-hui;LONG Yue-zhou;WANG Xiao-dan;481
Protective effect of gingerol dropping pills against alcoholic liver injury in mice LI Li;ZHANG Zhi-yuan;QI Si-jia;GAO Yong-feng;WANG Lei;482
Overexpression of SIRT6 prevents hypoxia-induced apoptosis in osteoblast cells WANG Jin-tao;YIN Xi-ya;GAO Shan;ZHOU Lu;482-483
Screening of active ingredients of Taohong Siwu Decoction on platelet membrane receptor GUO Chun-yan;WU Xin;CHEN Shuang;GAO Yuan-yuan;WAN Ye;483-484
芦荟多糖对实验性口腔溃疡大鼠NF-κB和MMP2表达的影响 王哲哲;张雪;高永峰;483
荷叶碱在大鼠体内的吸收、分布、代谢和排泄研究 王福刚;曹娟;侯雪芹;曲晓兰;张继国;484
丹参酮ⅡA对心血管系统的药理作用及其新剂型研究进展 侯文书;张力;484
芍药苷对异丙肾上腺素诱导大鼠心肌重构的干预作用 徐晓燕;王薇;王蕾;陈伟;高永峰;485
抗坏血酸插层铁锆复合氧化物的制备及缓释性能评价 杨玉洁;孙凡荣;张毅伟;张忠义;张庆乐;王浩;485
Effect and mechanism of persimmon leaf flavonoid treatment of experimental oral ulcer WANG Shuo;ZHANG Yong-li;HAO Mai-ling;486
Primary culture and identify of cerebral cortical astrocytes from Sprague-Dawley rats ZHANG Hai-wei;WU Chun-yang;ZHANG Dan-shen;486
玉米须水提物对自发性高血压大鼠血小板聚集功能的影响 秦梦瑶;王慧;曲晓兰;杜宁宁;朱超;谭瑞;周延萌;张芳芳;赵晓民;487
玉米须水提物对自发性高血压大鼠的降压作用 王慧;秦梦瑶;曲晓兰;杜宁宁;朱超;谭瑞;周延萌;张芳芳;赵晓民;487
作者索引 488-490